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Features List | YunaMS Forum

Features List

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Sep 13, 2022
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Welcome to
Below is a comprehensive list of our server features:

Last Updated: July 21st, 2024

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YunaMS, also referred to as YMS, or the Yuna Network, is a v83 MSPS.
We are free to play, with no pay-to-win or vote-to-win features. We do, however, have pay-for-luxury/convenience, which I believe you will all enjoy.

Our rates are:
  • EXP Rate: 3x (2x Chests available via Cash Shop; boosted monster EXP; boosted boss EXP)
  • Meso Rate: 3x (Doubled to 6x while < level 100)
  • Quest Rate: 5x (Significantly buffed quest EXP < level 120 + Boosted quest lines)
  • Spawn Rate: 2x
  • Drop Rate: Custom (Low-Mid)

Take the time to familiarize yourself with our Terms of Service.
You are permitted to use multiple clients, and share accounts, but again please ensure you have read through the ToS above.

You can obtain 15,000 NX daily by voting here.
You will receive 5,000 NX per vote, up to 3 votes. All votes after that will not accrue NX till the nightly reset.
For your convenience, you can type @vote in-game to be immediately taken to the voting page.

Our maximum level has been updated to Lv. 300, with plenty of areas, bosses, training grounds, and bonus EXP systems in place to assist you in your journey. With our account-sharing features, you are free to create up to 15 characters per account, with resources shared across all!

If you're looking for a library of data about skills, monsters, maps, items, and such, have a look at our Wiki.
For a list of commands, type @help in-game for a full list, or use @searchc to find the command you need quicker!

All new players will receive a FREE starter pack to kickstart their journey.

Without further ado, I present to you our full server features list:

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You have the ability to make changes and track your progress, as well as manage your expedition via our Widget System. Use the "Widget" button at the bottom right of your game window:
The widget also allows you to change the following:
  • Enable/Disable the "You may not use the skill yet" or "The skill requires full energy charge" messages
  • Enable/Disable the "You cannot use that skill on this map" message
  • Enable/Disable the "You don't have enough HP/MP" messages
  • Enable/Disable the disease notifications such as "You have been stunned", etc.
  • Enable/Disable MapleTip yellow messages
  • Enable/Disable map backgrounds (May increase performance at the cost of beauty)
  • Enable/Disable the quest lightbulb above your head

Additionally, inside your YunaMS game folder, you will see a file named settings or settings.ini. This is your go-to file to enable/disable/change the way the client/YunaMS.exe behaves. Here's a list of modifications available for your convenience:
  • Client Resolution; choose any one of the following in-game resolutions that fit your monitor's needs:​
    • 800x600​
    • 1280x720 (recommended)​
    • 1600x900​
    • 1920x1080​
    • 2560x1440 (2K)
    • 3840x1080 (widescreen)
  • Client Start-up Location; when the client first opens, choose where it initially appears:​
    • Top left​
    • Centered​
  • Map Backgrounds: sometimes, players may want to disable backgrounds to increase performance​

Use the @damageskins or @skins command in-game to instantly change to the visual display of the damage numbers:


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v83 had clear bottlenecks and weaknesses when it came to class damage and utility balances. Several unit and integration tests were run to achieve a balance that aligns with the server's goal: giving power to those who need it, taking power from those who reign, and giving utility to those who were left out. Here's a list of the full changes. For a full set of details, please see the Skills Wiki:

- Basic attack hitbox increased by 20%
- Maximum level increased from 200 to 250
- All buffs will persist even after relogging/disconnecting
- All party buff hitboxes/ranges have been standardized
- All long-range classes can attack short-range
- All long-range classes can attack in-air
- All summons/pets will no longer be dispelled
- All explorers will receive Explorer's Blessing (see bottom of this section)
- All Final Attack hits will now occur instantly after the original attack, without delaying your next attack
- Nimble Feet/Agile Body speed increased from 20 to 25
- Nimble Feet/Agile Body cooldown removed
- Nimble Feet/Agile Body duration increased from 5s to 120s
- Hero's Will cooldown reduced from 360s to 120s
- Hero's Will mana cost removed
- Echo of Hero will now recast automatically when Explorer's/Cygnus' Blessing expires (only if echo was active at the time of casting)
- Blessing of the Fairy max level increased from 20 to 30
- Power Strike damage increased from 260% to 280%
- Slash Blast damage increased from 130% to 200%
- All warriors' Crash skills now apply map-wide; you will no longer have to run up to a monster to crash them
- All warriors' Rush skills can now be used without a mob present
        - Power Guard duration increased from 90s to 200s
        - Rage WATK increased from 12 to 30
        - Crash will now nullify weapon attack only
        - Rage duration increased from 160s to 300s
        - Panic: Sword damage increased from 350% to 500%
        - Panic: Axe damage increased from 350% to 500%
        - Coma: Sword damage increased from 200% to 250%
        - Coma: Axe damage increased from 200% to 250%
        - Shout damage increased from 30% to 70%
        - Achilles damage mitigation increased from 15% to 20%
        - Guardian success rate increased from 15% to 25%
        - Brandish attack count increased from 2 to 3
        - Brandish damage decreased from 260% to 220%
        - Enrage WATK increased from 26 to 50
        - Enrage duration decreased from 240s to 120s
        - Power Stance proc chance increased from 90% to 95%
        - Combo Attack will no longer be dispelled
        - Power Guard duration increased from 90s to 200s
        - Threaten now has a 300s cooldown
        - Threaten now reduces enemy WATK by 50%
        - Threaten WDEF reduction increased from 20 to 200
        - Threaten now works on bosses
        - Shield Mastery defense increased from 100% to 200%
        - Fire Charge: Sword damage increased from 120% to 140%
        - Fire Charge: Blunt Weapon damage increased from 120% to 180%
        - Ice Charge: Sword damage increased from 110% to 140%
        - Ice Charge: Blunt Weapon damage increased from 110% to 160%
        - Thunder Charge: Sword damage increased from 125% to 150%
        - Thunder Charge: Blunt Weapon damage increased from 125% to 150%
        - Achilles damage mitigation increased from 15% to 20%
        - Guardian success rate increased from 15% to 25%
        - Blast attack count increased from 1 to 2
        - Blast damage increased from 550% to 610%
        - Holy Charge: Sword damage increased from 140% to 150%
        - Holy Charge: Blunt Weapon damage increased from 140% to 150%
        - Advanced Charge damage increased from 350% to 600%
        - Heaven's Hammer cooldown reduced from 20s to 15s
        - Heaven's Hammer boss damage: 500K flat
        - Heaven's Hammer damage for non-boss, high-level monster (i.e. LHC+): (Monster's MAX health / 4) * skillLevel / 20
        - Heaven's Hammer damage for non-boss, non-high-level monster: (monsterMaxHP - 5);
        - Crash will now nullify both weapon and magic defense
        - Power Stance proc chance increased from 90% to 95%

        - Elemental Resistance increased from 40% to 60%
        - Spear/Polearm Crushers damage increased from 170% to 190%
        - Spear/Polearm Crushers mob count increased from 3 to 4
        - Spear/Polearm Crushers attack count increased from 3 to 4
        - Dragon Fury: Spear/Polearm damage increased from 250% to 325%
        - Dragon Fury: Spear/Polearm mob count increased from 6 to 8
        - Dragon's Blood WATK increased from 12 to 50
        - Achilles damage mitigation increased from 15% to 25%
        - Berserk HP threshold increased from 50% to 70% (Use Peach's from Miu Miu for better management)
        - Berserk damage increased from 200% to 220%
        - Power Stance proc chance increased from 90% to 95%
- Magic Armor increased from 40 to 50
- Magic Claw basic attack increased from 40 to 55
- Magic Guard will no longer be dispelled

    ARCH MAGE (F/P):
        - Meditation MATK increased from 20 to 25
        - Poison Breath damage increased from 70 to 100
        - Poison Breath duration increased from 40s to 50s
        - Fire Arrow damage increased from 120 to 140
        - Fire Arrow mob count increased from 1 to 3
        - Elemental Amplification MATK increased from 140% to 200%
        - Explosion attack increased from 120 to 175
        - Explosion mob count increased from 6 to 7
        - FireDemon damage increased from 100 to 600
        - Fire Demon mob count decreased from 6 to 1
        - Elquines damage increased from 270 to 400
        - Paralyze damage increased from 210 to 300
        - Paralyze attack count increased from 1 to 2
        - Paralyze is now a multi-target skill; mob count increased from 1 to 6
        - Meteor Shower damage increased from 570 to 600
        - Meteor Shower mob count decreased from 15 to 10
        - Infinity now provides avoidability (200 at max level)
        - Infinity now provides a magic attack buff (220 at max level)
        - Infinity cooldown reduced from 10 to 5 minutes
        - Infinity duration increased from 40 to 120 seconds
    ARCH MAGE (I/L):
        - Meditation MATK increased from 20 to 25
        - Cold Beam damage increased from 100 to 125
        - Thunder Bolt damage increased from 60 to 65
        - Elemental Amplification MATK increased from 140% to 200%
        - Ice Strike damage increased from 90 to 175
        - Thunder Spark damage increased from 170 to 200
        - Ice Demon damage increased from 100 to 600
        - Ice Demon mob count decreased from 6 to 1
        - Ifrit damage increased from 300 to 400
        - Chain Lightning bounce damage reduction removed
        - Chain Lightning X range increased from 150 to 300
        - Chain Lightning damage increased from 180 to 250
        - Blizzard damage increased from 570 to 600
        - Blizzard mob count decreased from 15 to 10
        - Infinity now provides avoidability (200 at max level)
        - Infinity now provides a magic attack buff (220 at max level)
        - Infinity cooldown reduced from 10 to 5 minutes
        - Infinity duration increased from 40 to 120 seconds
        - Bless accuracy, avoidability, and W/MDEF increased from 20 to 50
        - Bless duration increased from 200s to 300s
        - Heal effectiveness increased from 300% to 500%
        - Mystic Door duration increased from 180s to 200s
        - Holy Symbol EXP gain decreased from 150% to 120%
        - Shining Ray damage increased from 105 to 300
        - Angel Ray attack count increased from 1 to 2
        - Angel Ray damage increased from 240 to 500
        - Angel Ray X range increased by 20%
        - Angel Ray is now a multi-target skill, attacking up to 6 monsters
        - Bahamut damage increased from 230 to 600
        - Genesis damage increased from 670 to 800
        - Genesis mob count decreased from 15 to 10
        - Infinity now provides avoidability (200 at max level)
        - Infinity now provides a magic attack buff (220 at max level)
        - Infinity cooldown reduced from 10 to 5 minutes
        - Infinity duration increased from 40 to 120 seconds
        - Resurrection cooldown reduced from 20 to 10 minutes
        - Resurrection now applies to all party members on the map, instead of within a short range
- Critical Shot damage increased from 200% to 250%
    - Critical Shot chance increased from 40% to 60%
    - Eye of the Amazon range increased from 120 to 140
    - Focus accuracy and avoidability increased from 20 to 25
    - Arrow Blow damage increased from 260% to 320%
    - Double Shot damage increased from 130% to 150%
    - Soul Arrow now accounts for the damage of the arrow used
    - Soul Arrow will no longer be dispelled
    - All archers will be able to bypass speed limitation when using Thrust with other speed buffs
    - Puppet will no longer be dispelled
    - Arrows will no longer disappear from your inventory when they reach 0 (similar to stars/bullets)

        - Concentrate damage buff increased from 26 to 60
        - Inferno damage increased from 150% to 170%
        - Puppet HP increased from 6000 to 30000
        - Strafe damage increased from 100% to 110%
        - Arrow Rain damage increased from 160% to 190%
        - Hurricane damage increased from 100% to 230%
        - Hurricane can be cast in air
        - Dragon's Breath mob count increased from 6 to 7
        - Blizzard damage increased from 140% to 170%
        - Arrow Eruption damage increased from 160% to 170%
        - Puppet HP increased from 6000 to 30000
        - Strafe attack count increased from 4 to 6
        - Strafe damage increased from 100% to 120%
        - Piercing Arrow charge removed
        - Piercing Arrow damage increased from 850% to 880%
        - Piercing Arrow can now be used in-air
        - Snipe damage now scales off level
        - Snipe now has a base damage of 500K
        - Snipe cooldown increased fro 5s to 7s
        - Dragon's Breath mob count increased from 6 to 7
- Lucky Stab damage increased from 130% to 150%
- Taunt removed
- Decreased delay of Dark Sight cast by ~30%

        - Critical Throw damage increased from 200% to 220%
        - Avenger damage increased from 180% to 270%
        - Triple Throw damage increased from 150% to 220%
        - Triple Throw attack count increased from 3 to 4
        - Triple Throw renamed to Quad Throw
        - Shadow Stars duration increased from 2 to 5 minutes
        - Shadow Partner base damage increased from 50% to 80%
        - Steal damage increased from 100% to 110%
        - Steal success chance increased from 40% to 65%
        - Savage Blow damage increased from 80% to 100%
        - Savage Blow attack count increased from 6 to 7 at max level
        - Assaulter damage increased from 450% to 600%
        - Assaulter can now be used even if a mob is not present
        - Band of Thieves damage increased from 210% to 275%
        - Assassinate final strike damage increased from 120% to 750%
        - Assassinate final strike no longer dashes
        - Assassinate hitbox increased by ~40%
        - Smokescreen will now block dispel, in addition to debuffs
        - Boomerang Step cast delay decreased by ~30%
        - Boomerang Step damage increased from 500% to 560%
        - Boomerang Step attack count increased from 2 to 4
        - Boomerang Step can now be cast in air and on ledges
- Bullet Time accuracy and avoidability increased from 20 to 35
- Sommersault Kick damage increased from 190% to 300%
- Double Shot damage increased from 80% to 125%
- Transformation will no longer be dispelled
- Battleship will no longer be dispelled
- Energy Charge damage reflected back to players will no longer incur damage

        - Backspin Blow mob count increased from 3 to 6
        - Corkscrew Blow mob count increased from 3 to 6
        - Corkscrew Blow charge mechanic removed
        - Oak Barrel duration increased from 10s to 60s
        - New Skill: Critical Punch; a buff that gives the player an increase in Critical Shot chance, and damage
        - Stun Mastery removed
        - Energy Charge accuracy and avoidability increased from 20 to 40
        - Energy Charge ATK increased from 20 to 40
        - Energy Charge duration increased from 50s to 120s
        - Transformation cooldown reduced from 480s to 240s
        - Shockwave damage increased from 700% to 800%
        - Shockwave delay between casts decreased by 20%
        - Shockwave range increased by 10% (similar to Dragon Strike)
        - Dragon Strike animation is now 30% faster
        - Dragon Strike attack count increased from 1 to 2
        - Dragon Strike damage decreased from 810% to 650%
        - Barrage animation is now 30% faster
        - Barrage damage increased from 230% to 450%
        - Energy Orb damage decreased from 900% to 750%
        - Super Transformation cooldown reduced from 360s to 150s
        - Demolition damage increased from 400% to 650%
        - Demolition animation is now 30% faster
        - NEW SKILL: Bullet Storm; consume 200 bullets up front, allowing infinite bullet usage for a short time
        - Corsairs can stay within their battleship when climbing ropes/ladders
        - Aerial Strike can now be used while inside your battleship
        - Battleship mount and dismount delay significantly decreased
        - Most skills can be used while still on Battleship
        - Battleship attacks can now be shot in air
        - Invisible Shot mob count increased from 3 to 4
        - Burst Fire damage increased from 190% to 220%
        - Octopus duration increased from 30s to 120s
        - Gaviota duration increased from 30s to 120s
        - Flamethrower damage increased from 160% to 210%
        - Ice Splitter damage increased from 130% to 170%
        - Rapid Fire damage increased from 170% to 260%
        - Rapid Fire can now be used in-air
        - Battleship cooldown removed; instead uses 1 Summoning Rock
        - Battleship Cannon damage increased from 380% to 500%
        - Battleship Cannon attack count increased from 4 to 5
        - Battleship Torpedo damage increased from 780% to 1000%
        - Battleship Torpedo attack count increased from 6 to 7
        - Recoil Shot delay decreased from 2 to 0.3 seconds
- 4th job skills added

        - Power Strike damage increased from 260% to 280%
        - Slash Blast damage increased from 130% to 200%
        - Rage WATK increased from 12 to 30
        - Combo Attack will no longer be dispelled
        - New Skill: Call of Cygnus; increase party stats by 15%
        - New Skill: Hero's Will; shrug off diseases like seduce
        - New Skill: Impaling Rays; AOE up to 10 monsters
        - New Skill: Intrepid Slash; deal 3 attacks to an enemy
        - New Skill: Power Stance (Party); prevents knockback for ALL party members
        - New Skill: Moon Shadow; attacks up to 6 targets with a single powerful swipe
        - New Skill: Weapon Crash; nullifies physical defense of monsters
        - Magic Claw damage increased from 40 to 55
        - Meditation MATK increased from 20 to 25
        - New Skill: Call of Cygnus; increase party stats by 15%
        - New Skill: Hero's Will; shrug off diseases like seduce
        - New Skill: Infinity
        - Infinity now provides avoidability (200 at max level)
        - Infinity now provides a magic attack buff (220 at max level)
        - Infinity cooldown reduced from 10 to 5 minutes
        - Infinity duration increased from 40 to 120 seconds
        - New Skill: Dragon Blaze; AOE up to 10 monsters
        - New Skill: Flame Vortex; AOE up to 6 monsters
        - New Skill: Flame Barrier; reduce party's abnormal conditions
        - New Skill: Megiddo Flame; burns enemies around you
        - Can now use consumables while in Wind Walk
        - Puppet HP increased from 6000 to 30000
        - New Skill: Call of Cygnus; increase party stats by 15%
        - New Skill: Hero's Will; shrug off diseases like seduce
        - New Skill: Spiraling Vortex; AOE up to 6 monsters
        - New Skill: Sharp Eyes; increase crit chance and damage of party
        - New Skill: Wind Breaker; increase your own crit chance
        - New Skill: Touch of the Wind; increase your avoidability
        - New Skill: Song of Heaven; single target attack
        - Triple Throw damage decreased from 140% to 120%
        - Shadow Partner base damage increased from 50% to 80%
        - Vanish damage increased from 130% to 160%
        - New Skill: Call of Cygnus; increase party stats by 15%
        - New Skill: Hero's Will; shrug off diseases like seduce
        - New Skill: Shadow Stars; consume a set # of stars for infinite use; duration 5 minutes
        - New Skill: Quad Star; throw 4 stars at once
        - New Skill: Enveloping Darkness; gain weapon attack and avoidability; no cooldown
        - New Skill: Soul Piercer; weaken a single enemy
        - Corkscrew Blow mob count increased from 3 to 6
        - Transformation removed
        - Shockwave removed
        - New Skill: Call of Cygnus; increase party stats by 15%
        - New Skill: Hero's Will; shrug off diseases like seduce
        - New Skill: Electric Flux; increase energy charge per hit
        - New Skill: Annihilate; AOE up to 4 monsters
        - New Skill: Kamehameha; destructive AOE up to 8 monsters
        - New Skill: Static Focus; increase WATK and energy charge
        - New Skill: Octopunch; single target attack
- Double Swing damage increased from 140% to 250%
    - Triple Swing damage increased from 250% to 350%
    - Snow Charge damage increased from 110% to 150%
    - Over Swing damage increased for double and triple swings by 20%
    - High Mastery WATK increased from 10 to 30
    - Final Blow attack count increased from 1 to 2
    - Final Blow damage decreased from 700% to 500%
    - Freeze Standing now has a 100% chance of not being knocked back
    - Combo Tempest damage for bosses: 500K flat
    - Combo Tempest damage for non-boss, high-level monster (i.e. LHC+): (Monster's CURRENT health / 4) * skillLevel / 20
    - Combo Tempest damage for non-boss, non-high-level monster: (monsterMaxHP - 5);
    - Combo duration increased from 3 to 10 seconds
    - Combo counters will now only subtract the min. combo needed; will not reset all combos
    - All users can use /petcome to force their pet to come straight to them
    - All pets will immediately match the speed of their owner

We realize there will be extra SP leftover for players, and therefore we have introduced a new skill: Explorer's Blessing / Cygnus' Blessing - an active skill providing a significant buff for a short period of time. Damage potions WILL stack with this, however Echo of Hero will not.

The skills can be otained through "The Final Blessing" questline, which will appear above your head in the quest lightbulb the moment you hit level 200.

Explorer's Blessing

Cygnus' Blessing

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Events are an important aspect of MS that provide players with an opportunity to play mini-games, but also a chance to obtain Event Points.
To join an event type @joinevent, and learn how to play using @rules

If you earn Event Points, you'll have plenty to goodies to choose from:


New Reward Added: Shiny Event Box
- Traded for 15 Event Points via Jarvis; double-click to obtain an item as follows:
- 70% chance to obtain a common item (15% scrolls)
- 20% chance to obtain an uncommon item (low-tier CSS scrolls, Pet Equip ATK/MATK 60% scrolls, Advanced Gems)
- 10% chance to obtain a rare item (Chaos, White, CSS20 scrolls)

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Leeching isn't something that is valued at YMS. As such, the following anti-leech measures have been put in place: These measures do not apply to bosses:
  • Leechers must be within at least 30 levels of the monster's level to receive EXP​
  • Leechers must be within at least 20 levels of the highest member of a party to receive EXP​
  • Leechers who are AFK for too long will stop receiving EXP​

Do note: if you were the main killer of the monster, meaning you received WHITE exp, then you will always gain the EXP regardless of any of the checks. However, the checks above will apply if you were NOT the main killer. This is to ensure players can still party with higher levels, and still discourage leeching.

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YMS' goal is to be a party-centric server, especially when it comes to grinding and training together. As such, the bonus party EXP (yellow EXP) has been revamped. Players will now receive a significant bonus depending on the non-AFK party members training with them on the same map, compounding with each active member.

The amount of bonus you gain will be a percentage of the main EXP you receive (since there are 2 lines of EXP you gain per kill). For example: If you are in a party of 5, and your white EXP is 500, your party EXP will be ~500. This breakdown only applies to non-boss monsters, as bosses will have their own EXP system (mentioned further in this features list). Here's the party EXP breakdown::
# of Active Party Members on Map
Bonus Party EXP as % of Main EXP

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Some very common PQs have been overlooked due to their sub-optimal nature. To help revive participation, a bonus PQ experience system has been implemented for the following party quests:

Kerning City PQ:
Base EXP = 60,000​
Player Level
EXP Received (% of Base)
21 - 30​
31 - 70​
71 - 90​
91 - 120​

Pirate PQ:
Base EXP = 900,000​
Player Level
EXP Received (% of Base)
55 - 70​
71 - 90​
91 - 120​

Orbis PQ:
Base EXP = 4,500,000​
Player Level
EXP Received (% of Base)
51 - 70​
71 - 90​
91 - 120​

Ludibrium PQ:
Base EXP = 1,050,000​
Player Level
EXP Received (% of Base)
35 - 50​
51 - 70​
71 - 90​
91 - 120​

Ellin PQ:
Base EXP = 600,000​
Player Level
EXP Received (% of Base)
44 - 70​
71 - 90​
91 - 120​

Magatia PQ (Romeo and Juliet):
Base EXP = 6,000,000​
Player Level
EXP Received (% of Base)
71 - 90​
91 - 120​

Additionally, you will receive certain tokens/PQ items from completing a party quest. You can trade/buy/sell these items as an added bonus!

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As you become stronger, it is natural for your journey to become more arduous; to help mitigate this factor and keep you motivated, players will receive additional bonus bossing EXP which scales based on their level. The bonus will be calculated based on your level and the boss' total EXP, as follows:

Player Level
% of Boss' Total EXP as Bonus
1 - 129​
0% (Default)​
130 - 149​
150 - 169​
170 - 189​
190 - 209​
210 - 229​
230 - 250​



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In addition to the vanilla v83 bosses, YMS has implemented several additional foes for you to wrangle with. Each boss, with the exception of Pink Bean and Empress Cygnus, can be attempted twice per day. Your attempt count will increase the moment you enter the expedition - so be prepared! But don't worry, if you ever disconnect while inside your expedition, you will be able to warp right back in upon relog, assuming the expedition is still underway. Additionally, in order to prevent monopolization, players will be unable to use the same machine for multiple characters in the same expedition. For a full list of your daily bosses, use the @dailies command.

Pink Bean and Empress are a little different. Due to their difficult nature, you can attempt them once per week. However, your attempt count will only increase when you have successfully SLAIN the monster - not just when you enter the expedition. Here's a list of bosses available to you:

  • Balrog
  • Chaos Horntail
  • Chaos Papulatus
  • Chaos Scarga
  • Chaos Zakum
  • Empress Cygnus
  • Horntail
  • Krexel
  • MVPQ (Treasure PQ)
  • Papulatus
  • Pink Bean
  • Scarga
  • Showa (The Boss)
  • Toad (Castellan)
  • Von Leon
  • Wulin Yaoseng
  • Zakum

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Introducing Spirit Points - a core feature of YMS. These points are given to players for completing their weekly challenges, as well as for conquering bosses. Points can be redeemed for goodies as well as a few other things (continue reading below for more information) via Jarvis. Here's the breakdown of Spirit Points per boss, assuming you met the minimum damage quota for certain high-level bosses:

Boss / Expedition
Spirit Points Earned
Balrog (Normal)​

MV (Treasure PQ)​
Chaos Papulatus​
Wuling Yaoseng​
Toad (Castellan)​
The Boss (Showa)​
Boss / Expedition
Spirit Points Earned
Chaos Scarga​
Von Leon​
Ergoth's Dungeon (GPQ)​
Chaos Zakum​
Chaos Horntail​
Pink Bean​
Empress Cygnus​

Additionally, server runs refer to bossing with a large number of players. This is a fun aspect that brings the community together, so we don't necessarily want to limit this. However, we don't want players monopolizing Spirit Point gain, especially if it hurts those who don't have the opportunity to join. To combat this, the amount of Spirit Points you receive will be reduced based on the number of players in your expedition, as follows (NOTE: This reduction does NOT apply to Pink Bean or Empress):

# of Players in Expedition
Total Amount of Spirit Points Gained
1-6 Members​
7-12 Members​
13-18 Members​
19+ Members​

Here are a few more methods of obtaining Spirit Points:
  • Party Quests (See "PQ Points" section below)
  • Jump Quests (See "Jump Quest System" section below "PQ Points" section)
  • Events (Trade Spirit Coins for Points)

Successfully completing a Party Quest will provide you with PQ points. These can be traded for various goodies that can help with lower-level grinding. Additionally, players can trade PQ points for Spirit Points via the PQ Point Shop in Jarvis:


Here's a breakdown of which PQs give which awards:

PQ NamePQ Points Awarded
Kerning PQ1
Henesys PQ1
Pirate PQ1
Ellin PQ2
Ludibrium Maze PQ3
Ludibrium PQ5
Orbis PQ8
Romeo and Juliet PQs8

Finally, due to the value of Spirit Points, players will be capped at 100 PQ Points daily, resetting at midnight.

We have a dedicated Jump Quest (JQ) system that allows players to attempt various JQs. For each successful completion, players will awarded Spirit Points. Entries reset at midnight. Visit Paul in the Free Market to get started! Here's a peak at the system:


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There are multiple regions imported from various versions. Spawn rates have been increased to 2x the normal rates, and some adjustments have been made to specific maps to ensure players have a viable place to train. Here are some of the NEW regions imported:
  • Ulu City​
  • Thailand / Floating Market​
  • Lion Heart Castle​
  • Eastern China​
  • Shaolin Temple​
  • Ninja Castle​
  • Henesys Ruins​
  • Future Perion​
  • Dark Ereve​
  • Knight's Stronghold (It's dangerous to go alone...)​

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With the increase in level caps, imported regions, stronger mobs, and bosses, it's necessary to give players suitable equipment for their journey. As such, special buffs, and implementation of new items have been added to YMS. These include items such as the Zakum's Poisonic, Timeless, and Sweetwater sets:

  • Zakum's Poisonic gear can be obtained through drops from Normal and Chaos Zakum
  • Timeless gear can be obtained through drops from the Pink Bean
  • Sweetwater weapons can be obtained through the Maker skill; other parts of the set can be found scattered across the world; use the Wiki/@whatdropsfrom@whodrops commands for more info



... Oh and you may want to talk to that mysterious man in the Stronghold.. angelic.png

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Meet Jarvis! Your one-stop-shop. Jarvis is your personal concierge and can help you with most of your day-to-day operations. You can access him via @jarvis or through the Jarvis button at the bottom right of your screen. Please read each section for more information about the implementation/system to familiarize yourself with some important features in YMS. Here's what he looks like and what he has to offer:

Players will receive a PQ point for each successful PQ from the list of eligible party quests. These can be traded for helpful equipment:
Players will receive event points for winning events, whether through the automated event system or a GM-hosted event. You can use those points to purchase goodies here!
Spirit Points are a core aspect of YMS. You will receive these points for completing your weekly challenges, slaying bosses, and one for every 1000th monster kill. Points can then be spent on various scrolls and items. Speak to Jarvis in-game for more information!
Players who reach specific levels will be rewarded with a milestone achievement. It's tough out there, especially as you reach higher levels, sp hopefully this will make your journey more rewarding
Questing can be tough; but for some, it's an extremely fun route to take when playing YMS. So it's always nice to be rewarded with extra goodies for taking the time and completing multiple storylines:
Want to give someone a premium donator item? Use this!
Love jump quests? You can start racking up Spirit Points once you reach level 70!
See the Additional Storage section down below!
As long as you are on an appropriate map, Jarvis will take you directly to the Free Market entrance.

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HP washing will not be necessary in YMS. All jobs will receive a significant buff in HP and MP for each of their job advancements. You will also gain additional HP/MP from collecting monster cards, which will be added to your Monster Memories automatically as you collect. Finally, if you still need that extra boost of HP/MP, you can purchase the Beast Slayer NX medal from the Cash Shop, which will cover your existing medal. Check out the RING section of CS:

If you still wish to HP wash, you are free to do so.

If you decide to choose the path of the beginner (i.e. not job advancing), you are also free to do so. If you reach level 120, you will initiate a new questline (via a quest light bulb): A Beginner's Path. This will assist you with your max HP/MP. NOTE: Once you complete the questline, you will be locked into the beginner's path permanently - therefore you will not be able to change your job any longer.

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All area bosses will respawn +- 20% of their initial respawn time. For example, if a Mushmom spawns every hour normally, then it will spawn every 48-72 minutes. This will ensure players are not camping/monopolizing area bosses.

Additionally, if the server restarts, area bosses will not spawn immediately - they will be randomized anywhere between 0-12 hours of server restart, to further prevent any sort of camping.

Finally, players will receive additional Spirit Points for slaying an area boss. The point breakdown can be found below:

Monster LevelSpirit Point Gain
100 or below1
101 - 1202
120 or above3

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The maker skill is an important part of the game. It will allow players to tailor their builds, create new weapons, and increase their damage. Players can use gems such as the basic/intermediate/advanced gems to further customize the stats of the item they wish to create.

In YMS, however, stat gain is a little different. Players will no longer have a chance to lose stats. Instead, the potential values are anywhere between 0-5 of the respective stat (applies to the use of stimulators as well, not just gems/crystals). The higher the tier crystal, the higher chance/stat gain you will receive, up to the max of 5. Do keep in mind that weapons may use attack or stat-based gems; however, non-weapons can only use stat-based gems - not attack-based.

To summarize:
- Attack-based gems will only work on weapons. Stat gems will also work on weapons.
- Attack-based gems will NOT work on non-weapons. Stat gems will work on non-weapons
- Gems will add anywhere between 1 to 5 of the respective stat you are trying to increase, depending on the gem tier
- Stimulators will add anywhere between 1 to 5 of the respective stats of the item

Additionally, to reward players who have crafted frequently, the following chances have been implemented:
  • Basic Crafting (1 Gem):​
    • 85% chance to obtain 1 Basic Gem​
    • 15% chance to obtain 1 Intermediate Gem​

  • Intermediate Crafting (10 Basic Gems):​
    • 90% chance to obtain 1 Intermediate Gem​
    • 10% chance to obtain 1 Advanced Gem​

  • Advanced Crafting (10 Intermediate Gems):​
    • 100% chance to obtain 1 Advanced Gem​

Lastly, in an effort to provide more crafting options to players of various level ranges, certain gems are receiving buffs:

If you ever need to re-roll your item, remember you can disassemble certain equips to re-gain some of your lost items. For example, you can disassemble any Sweetwater weapon to gain back an Empress Diamond.

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Monster Cards drop from most mobs and can be looted by players to be collected in their Monster Book. The monster book is comprised of 9 tiers, each denoted by a separate color. Each tier contains multiple sets. To incentivize exploration and reward those who have traveled far and wide, players will receive bonus PERMANENT stats for each monster card set they complete (i.e. 5 cards of each set/monster, for each tier, will reward you with stats). You are free to collect any variation of monster cards to increase your stats. The maximum stats you can gain is +100 AP stats, +100 WDEF/MDEF, and +1000 HP/MP.

These stats are automatically recorded in your Monster Memories - a cash pendant given to all new players. Worry not, as this item covers your existing pendant so you can continue to wear both. Additionally, you share this book within your account so collecting cards is not character-based, it is account-based. Here are the stats you can earn:

Tier NumberColor# of SetsBonus Stats Added to Monster Memories
1Red20+1 Acc, +1 Avoid
2Orange44+10 HP/MP
3Light Green81+1 WDEF, +1 MDEF
4Dark Green65+1 WDEF, +1 MDEF, +10 HP/MP
5Light Blue46+1 WDEF, +1 MDEF, +20 HP/MP
6Dark Blue28+1 WDEF, +1 MDEF +30 HP/MP
7Purple25+1 All Stats, +30 HP/MP
8Black38+2 All Stats, +40 HP/MP
9Gold47+3 All Stats

Players who complete 350+ sets of Monster Cards will also be awarded a special medal:

Happy Hunting~!

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Every week, you will be presented with 5 sets of challenges to complete before midnight Sunday (server time). For each challenge you complete, you will be rewarded with 10 Spirit Points. If you complete all five challenges before the weekly reset, you will gain an additional 20 points.

Spirit Points can be redeemed for prizes via Jarvis' Spirit Shop.
Use the @weeklies command in-game to get started, and speak to Jarvis to see what your points can buy you!


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Gachapon is another iconic feature of the game. However, sometimes its confusing as to where to go, or which gachapon to spend your money on, or worrying about losing out on rare items because you choose a particular one. To circumvent this confusion and loss of potential, all Gachapon have been moved and consolidated into Gachapon Land. In this map, located on the far right of the Free Market, you will see 8 NPCs:

  • Bowman Gachapon​
  • Magician Gachapon​
  • Warrior Gachapon​
  • Thief Gachapon​
  • Pirate Gachapon​
  • Mount Gachapon​
  • Chair Gachapon​
  • Chair Storage​

Each of the class-based gachapons will include rewards tailored to that class. Additionally, each of the class-based gachapons will have the same RARE reward pool, so you'll never have to compromise on your reward potential when picking which machine to use. Here are the chances for each tier:



In addition to GM-hosted events, we have implemented an automatic event system that triggers every 6 hours. This allows players from all timezones to participate. If you are able to complete the event successfully, you will be awarded Event Points automatically. Entries are limited to 1 player per machine. All events are hosted in CHANNEL 1.

Use the @joinevent command to participate, or to find out when the next event will be!

It sucks when you have a billion items in your inventory, and most of them are either scrolls, ores, or some type of resource. To address this, we've implemented additional storage systems that are dedicated for those specific item types. This is in addition to the basic storage that can be found in the Free Market or in most towns.


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Over 2000+ new items have been added to the Cash Shop, from various versions and regions. You can purchase items using NX, which can be obtained through voting, or by purchasing Maple Points here. All items in the EVENT tab are PERMANENT, as they can only be purchased using Maple Points. The remaining items will last 30 days. Happy Shopping!

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Hundreds of different types of chairs and mounts were imported from various versions and regions. Plenty to fit your style...


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Hacking is very interesting. It's bad because it can give offenders unfair advantages, and even disrupt the gameplay of others. However, it's good because it may expose vulnerabilities within the system. Regardless, a robust anti-cheat system has been implemented. Here's some of the capabilities of the system:

  • Server-sided Hack Detection
    • Packets sent to the server from the game client are analyzed for invalid, modified, or outright incorrect values. These trigger protocols that broadcast messages to all staff members, both in-game and using our Discord webhook
  • Client-sided Hack Detection
    • Sometimes packets aren't the only way players can hack. Modifying memory addresses directly can provide benefits, and as such, our custom DLL scans for these changes and will either shut down the program automatically as the game launches or triggers our internal system with a "hey, they modified something", which will broadcast to all staff members similar to the above

We have a few others such as analyzers, bot checkers, thread detectors, and more. Rest assured, if someone's hacking, we'll find them.

Use @minesweeper in-game

Use @match in-game

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Although there are a lot of tiny quarks and convenience features that you will stumble upon on your adventure, it's important to provide you with some additional highlights that didn't quite make the cut for their own section:
  • Monsters will respawn 2x the rate of normal v83 GMS​
  • YMS is equal-opportunity; therefore we have removed all gender restrictions across all aspects of the game​
  • Rope and ladder climbing speed has been increased significantly; no more slow climbing​
  • Monster Rider, mounts, and saddles, will be given automatically to new characters on the same account if completed at least once before​
  • Sharing Tags implemented to allow access to any items across any character on the same account​
  • Hyper Teleport rock to speed up traveling​
  • Increased VIP teleport rock cap from 10 to 20​
  • Working 3rd-person critical damage​
  • Overall speed cap increased to 300%​
  • Secondary stats are not required; your monster memories and medal will make up for it!​
  • The chat limit has been increased to 999,999; you'll be able to scroll up for quite some time on your generate/buddy/party/etc chats​
  • High-version chairs have been imported and the client modified to allow usage of them; meaning, these chairs will lift you from the ground​
  • APQ: increase in Onyx Apple drop rate from bonus stage; removal of stage 5 because who really enjoys that?​
  • Area boss timers have been randomized by +- 20% of their original respawn timers; i.e. if a boss spawns every 10 hours, it will spawn every 8-12​
  • Account-based beauty book that saves all hairs and faces, which can be shared between characters​
  • @buyback will allow you to buy back an item you may have accidentally sold to an NPC​
  • @recharge will allow you to recharge your stars/bullets/arrows immediately but at a luxury-based price​
  • @mobele will display all elemental weaknesses of all monsters on the map you're on​
  • @rankings has been upgraded to a more robust system with kill rankings, damage rankings, and more​

Remember to use the @commands feature in-game to see a full list of all player commands available for your pleasure, and explore the YMS world for more features and easter eggs.


Maplers nowadays have a lot of options for various servers. One of the major factors that puts YMS ahead of the pack is our quality of life changes, and understanding that today's mapler is different than the mapler from 10 years ago. As such, one of these QoL changes is the introduction of the starter package that players can purchase via our Selly Store here. Note, this package is separate from the starter package ALL players receive upon logging into a fresh character. This package will provide the following:

- 1 randomized donor pet (Permanent)
- 1 Meso Magnet (30 days)
- 1 Item Pouch (30 days)
- 1 Auto HP (30 days)
- 1 Auto MP (30 days)
- 1 Wing Boots (30 days)
- 1 Binocular (30 days)
- 1 Aura Belt (30 days)
- 4 Aura Rings (30 days)
- 2 Super Stylist Coupons (Allows you to change your hair/face to a premium style; free colour change included)

Click here to go directly to the product page to snag one now!

I hope you will enjoy your experience on the Yuna Network. Thank you and see you in-game!


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