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Terms of Service | YunaMS Forum

Terms of Service

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Sep 13, 2022
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Last Update: September 18th, 2024

By accessing any platform of the Yuna Network, including but not limited to, the game, forum, discord, and other platforms, you agree to the following terms of service. YunaMS, YMS, and Yuna Network are all synonymous terms and may be used interchangeably.

Title 1: Overview
We reserve the right at any time to:
  • Change the terms and conditions of this agreement;
  • Change the service, including terminating, eliminating, supplementing, modifying, adding to, or discontinuing any content or data on or feature of the service or the hours that the service is available;
  • Change any fees or charges, if any, related to your use of the service; and
  • Change the equipment, hardware, or software required to use and access the service.
Any changes made will be effective immediately upon notice, which we may provide by any means including, without limitation posting on the website and forum. Your continued use of the service after such notice will be deemed acceptance of such changes.

Title 2: Violating Categories
We recognize that each and every different form of unlawful intention is unique due to the nature, circumstances, and/or severity of any behavior, actions, and/or interactions, which requires discretionary precaution from staff members before imposing any form of penalty or corrective actions against players.

To address this nature, we will define two violating categories of offenses:
These offenses are considered minor according to the community and server standards and could be addressed with a more lenient, temporary, and/or coaching guidance to further deter the continuance of violating any further, different, and/or same regulations, rules, and/or policy. Continued minor offenses may lead to a permanent ban from the Yuna Network.
These offenses are considered serious, unethical, immoral, requiring immediate attention, and/or gross violation and disregard for others. Those who engage in major offenses will no longer have access to any of the platforms, indefinitely.

Title 3: The Right to Appeal
Players who are banned for minor and/or major offenses are entitled to an appeal process. The burden of proof is on the player. Players must follow the guidelines for an appeal outlined HERE. Staff is required to collect sufficient evidence of wrongdoing before imposing any form of penalty against the player. YMS staff team is not required to provide evidence as it may be used by ill-intended individuals who seek to use this evidence unlawfully and/or evade these convictions. However, evidence will be provided at the discretion of the responsible staff member. YMS reserves the right to accept or deny an appeal at its discretion, considering the player's intent and behavior before, after, and during their violation. YMS may deny an appeal if it is beyond a reasonable doubt that the player has violated such regulation, close an appeal if the incorrect form is used, and close an appeal if the suspected violator does not provide any relevant information and evidence to sustain their case against YMS.

Title 4: Suspended Users' Rights
Individuals who are temporarily blocked from accessing YMS have the right to play on another account while their account serves the remaining time of their ban. Players who continue to violate our policy during and after their temporary suspension will be permanently blocked from accessing YMS indefinitely.

Title 5: Staff Accountability
Staff members are expected to act with professionalism and courtesy. Staff members are held to a higher standard compared as they possess in-game power which gives them the ability to suspend, terminate, or reverse any progress a normal player has. YMS prohibits any form of abuse from staff members. If you find any staff members, administrators included, violating any policies that display any form of favoritism, exclusion, or benefiting themselves and their associates, you may file a report HERE. Administrators will not tolerate any form of malmanagement, abuse, harassment, or any other related response from staff members.

Title 6: Privacy & Data Policy
By playing YMS, you agree to share your data (IP address, volume ID, MAC ID, etc) to access any of our platforms. YMS reserve the right to collect, use, maintain, and/or remove your data for any reason, at any time. YMS takes your privacy seriously and has implemented various encryption protocols to ensure your data is secured. YMS does NOT share data with ANY third party.

Title 7: Extended Anti-Harassment Policy
Harassment is defined as any repeated or continuing unsolicited contact that serves no useful purpose beyond creating alarm, annoyance, and/or emotional distress. Our policy is based on both intent and outcome: if someone intentionally bothers you and continues to do so even after being requested to cease such behavior, then the violating party will be punished accordingly. This includes, but is not limited to, spamming, stalking, cyberstalking, doxing, annoying, flaming, using offensive language, and similar offenses. YMS has an obligation to protect all players from any form of attack against another individual or a group on the basis of race, sex, gender, creed, religion, political views, and so forth. This policy also extends to all aspects of all platforms on the Yuna Network. Players found breaking this rule will receive disciplinary action based on the user's behavior during, currently, and after the action is applied, dependent on the staff member that handles these scenarios.
30-day ban

Title 8: In-Game Assistance Policy
Staff members will assist players in any and all situations as long as it is determined that the issue was related to the system failing. This does not apply to mistakes made by the player, as this would provide an unfair advantage to any other user who has made a mistake. Accidentally losing and/or using certain items, entering boss maps, buying and selling incorrect items to NPCs/Cash Shop/Stores/etc, and similar circumstances are not covered by this policy as this is deemed player-initiated.

Title 9: Evidence Policy / Reporting a Player
You may anonymously report a player or staff member HERE. You will not have access to view threads in this section, to keep the anonymity of other posts. We ask that you keep your report authentic, meaning the evidence in your report should be raw, unedited, and uncropped for your submissions. Any form of modifications or fabrications is not permissible under Title 3, Part V.

Code of Conduct
All regulations listed below will be enforced throughout all YMS platforms. Players who lose access to our in-game platform will have the opportunity to remain in good standing on the remaining platforms. Serious violators will lose access to all of these channels. Listed below will be each unlawful offense, how they are defined by the server, which category they belong to, and the measures taken for these offenses.

Title 1: YMS Account Access
Part I: Account Hacking
Account Hacking is the act of unlawfully obtaining and accessing another individual's in-game and/or forum account(s) with the intent to restrict the original account holder's access, seize their virtual possessions (YMS items and currencies), or reverse, remove, or modify any progress or data. This includes the attempt or act of using, soliciting, or creating viruses, phishing methods, reverse social engineering, and other hacking or scamming methods.
Category: Major
Permanent ban

Part II: Account Sharing
Account Sharing is the act of sharing and/or distributing your YMS account information, or accessing another individual's accounts that are not yours, even with their consent. Account sharing is PERMITTED. However, the staff is NOT responsible for lost/stolen accounts as a result of this.

Part III: Creating a New Account (AFTER being banned)
Players whose accounts are temporarily (or permanently) suspended (or banned) from YMS will be allowed to play on another account, however, their machine and network data will be marked. All actions of these new accounts, and their subsequent characters, will be logged in more detail for staff to review at their discretion. Any further offense will result in permanent removal from the Yuna Network, along with any future machines and/or IPs/MACs/HWIDs.

Title 2: In-Game Regulations

Part I: Hacking/Cheating
Hacking or cheating is the act of using unapproved third-party programs to modify or change the game functions in order to give themselves and their associate(s) an unfair advantage.
Category: Major
Permanent ban

Part II: Botting
Botting is the act of using ANY unapproved third-party programs to automatically mimic in-game movements and actions, whether you are at your machine or not. This includes using any form of object or item to key-weight down your keyboard. If a staff member, or the system, suspects you of botting, you will receive a bot-check message. If you fail to pass this message, your account will be flagged for banning. Staff members have the discretion to permanently terminate individuals who engage in robotic play, even if it is their first offense. Players may occasionally receive an automatic bot checker tooltip as a preventative measure.
Category: Major
1st offense: 3 Day Ban + All items and mesos removed on ALL characters/accounts | 2nd Offense: Permanent hard-ban on all accounts and devices

Part III: Scamming
Scamming is the act of using misleading and/or engaging in deceitful behavior to cheat another party out of a transaction, information, and/or favor for a certain action, item, and/or currency.
Category: Major
1st Offense: 7-14 day ban | 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban

Part IV: Server Attack
Server Attack is the act of using unlawful tools or programs to disrupt or restrict players from accessing all of YMS platforms.
Category: Major
Permanent ban

Part V: Duplication/Duping
Duping or duplication is the act of using unapproved third-party programs and/or exploiting any forms of glitches, functions, and flaws within the server to generate and/or duplicate in-game items and/or currencies. This includes the act of soliciting or obtaining unlawfully created items and/or currencies.
Category: Major
Permanent hard ban on all devices

Part VI: Invalid Files Policy
Using improper, outdated, and/or unapproved files to access YMS may disrupt the gameplay for others and the individual themselves. Therefore, users who are using improper, outdated, and/or unapproved files will ban until a correction has been made.
Category: Minor
Ban until files are updated | Continued Offense: Permanent Ban

Part VII: Glitch Abuse
Glitch Abuse is the act of exploiting any forms of glitches, functions, and flaws within the server. Players who fail to report and/or continue to abuse will be found guilty of violating this section. There are 2 categories. Major refers to abusing a glitch for in-game gains, such as experience, mesos, items, or character stats. Minor refers to abusing a glitch that does not result in a gain for the abuser, but causes annoyance or inconvenience for other players.
Category: Major
1st Offense: Temp or Perm (depending on infraction) | 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban
Category: Minor
1st Offense: Verbal Warning | 2nd Offense: 1-30 day ban | 3rd Offense: Permanent Ban

Part VIII: Real World Trading (RWT / RMT)
Real World Trading is the act of attempting, soliciting, and/or successfully engaging in transactions that involve real world currencies to buy, sell, and/or trade in-game items, in-game currencies, and/or YMS account(s) in the real world, regardless of which platform this activity has taken place at. This includes purchasing Maple Points or Maple Point-based items or Maple Point-based gifts using mesos. Any sort of real currency in exchange for in-game currency is not permitted.
Category: Major
1st Offense: Permanent Ban on Main account | 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban from the Yuna Network

Part IX: Multiple Clients & Multiple Devices Policy
Also known as multi-clienting or multiclient or multi account, is PERMITTED. However, doing so within a boss/expedition/party quest is NOT PERMITTED.

Part X: Kill/Drop Stealing
Kill/Drop Stealing is the act of killing any mobs within the map owner's map and/or looting any items or currency within the map owner's map without their permission. Please note: a staff member cannot help you if you do not own the map. Remember to use @claimmap to ensure security of the map you've been playing on.
Category: Minor
1st Offense: 6-12 hour jail | 2nd Offense: 1-3 day ban | 3rd Offense: Permanent Ban

Title 3: General Regulations
Part I: Disruptive Behavior
Disruptive Behavior is the act of engaging in a behavior, using speech, and/or disrupting others continuously with the intent to cause a negative response from the victim(s). This includes vulgarity, obscenity, and using offensive and abusive language against another player, even if they are not the intended target.
Category: Minor
1st Offense: 1-3 day ban | 2nd Offense: 3-7 day ban | 3rd Offense: Permanent Ban

Part II: Speech
The act of using speech (in-game, forum, and/or discord) with the intent of offending someone on the basis of the victim's race, sex, gender, creed, religion, political views, and so forth, are not allowed. Please refer to Title 7.
Category: Minor
1st Offense: 1-3 day ban | 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban

Part III: Malicious Programs
The act of distributing malicious programs that may disrupt, damage, modify, collect information, or exploit other players' computer functionality is strictly prohibited.
Category: Major
Permanent ban

Part IV: Information Harvesting
Information Harvesting is the act of stalking, doxing, and/or exploiting both public and private information with the intent of using this information maliciously. Any attempt to engage in this activity, including the distribution of information without the victims' consent, is strictly prohibited.
Category: Major
Permanent ban

Part V: Misleading Staff & Perjury
Misleading Staff & Perjury is the act of providing false, unwarranted, and/or fabricated information to a staff member; whether it is filing a report against another individual, filing a missing item claim, or any other similar scenario relating to interaction with staff members.
Category: Minor
1st Offense: 1-3 day ban | 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban

Part VI: Revenge Report
Revenge Report is the act of withholding or concealing information to report another individual(s) with the intent of using that information to blackmail, extort, and/or coerce another individual (typically the violating party). To report an individual or parties engaging in revenge report, please ensure your evidence display some form of the intent of blackmail, extortion, and/or coercion with the information.
Category: Minor
1st Offense: 1-7 day ban | 2nd Offense: Permanent Ban

Part VII: Association
The concept of Guilty By Association is engaging, interacting, and/or being involved in any crimes committed by another individual or parties This includes benefiting from any violators and/or the intent to benefit from violators.
Category: Minor
1st Offense: 3-7 day ban | 2nd Offense: 14-30 day ban | 3rd Offense: Permanent Ban

Offense By Extension
  • Obtaining an unfair advantage from a user performing any of the above offenses
  • Blatantly supporting and/or condoning any of the offenses above.

Any efforts by an individual to deliberately attempt to bypass, evade, exploit, or find a "loophole" to any item listed above are not permitted. Staff reserves the right to circumvent any penalty guidelines and impose the final and maximum penalty on the first offense for any reason. Not reading or knowing what is inside the Terms of Service Agreement is not an excuse to violate these rules.

Playing the game as it was intended is an essential part of growing our community, and is a reflection of all of us. We thank you for your time, patience, and cooperation.
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